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HomeNewsFront entrance to City Hall to be closed for up to two...

Front entrance to City Hall to be closed for up to two weeks during construction

As connecting link reconstruction advances on Algonquin Blvd., it’s going to affect access to City Hall.

Manager of engineering Scott Collin says as digging moves along to install new pipes and other services to the building, the front entrance will be closed. You can still get in and out via the door on Cedar St.

“So the closure will take effect tomorrow (Thurs.),” outlines Collin, “and we expect up to two weeks for it to be closed by the time the road is backfilled and we’re able to safely open the entrance again.”

And the work doesn’t end at the side of the travelled portion of Algonquin.

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“All the sidewalks will be replaced along all of Algonquin with this entire project,” Collin explains. “So the brick work in front of the building will be removed and we’ll be putting back a concrete sidewalk.”

During the closure of the main entrance, administration reminds us that Service Timmins is available by telephone or online.

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