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HomeNewsRotary Ribfest returns this summer

Rotary Ribfest returns this summer

After an eight-year absence, the Rotary Club of Timmins is bringing back Ribfest this summer.

Rotarian André Rochon is one of the organizers.  He says it will be held August 23rd to 25th at Participark, next to the river.  Three ribbers will be onsite, but Rochon says that’s not all.

“We’re going to be bringing in some kids’ entertainment,” he says, starting a list of attractions. “We’ve got a car show, vendors, so food and vendors who want to sell their wares, and then we’ll have ourselves a stage with some entertainment on it.”

If you’re interest in entertaining or setting up a vendor’s booth, contact the Rotary Club at the [email protected] .

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The ribbers onsite will go up against each other in a friendly competition. Rochon says they’ll be evaluated by a panel of judges.

“For ribs, for chicken and for their sauce, he says. “It gives them that opportunity to shine in their areas.”

There will also be other food and refreshments available, and no admission charge to get onto the grounds.

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